Shipping & Returns
Shipping & Returns Policies
Returns & Exchange Policy
If you need to return an item, please Contact Us at 610-419-2068 with your order number and details about the product you would like to return or exchange.
All return or exchange claims must be made within 60 days of delivery date
All returned items must be received in like new condition in the original manufacturers packaging. Please include all equipment, manuals, peripherals and accessories.
Customer is responsible for any shipping charges for any returns that are not warranty related.
All returns that are not exchanged for another item are subject to a restocking fee
Defective Items will be replaced without charge.
A restocking fee plus shipping charges may be applied to returned merchandise, cancelled orders, orders incorrectly placed by buyers (misapplications) for standard (non-custom or special order) products.
Custom Items including calibrated weights and calibrated weight sets are non returnable
Shipping charges are not refundable
Used equipment can not be returned under any circumstances.
We can ship to virtually any address in the Continental US. Please contact us at 610-4192068 for LTL freight quote.
We cannot ship to a PO Box
Our standard shipping method is FedEx Ground
Sales to Alaska and Hawaii will require a shipping quote at time of order.
Equipment that is damaged during transit must be reported within 3 calendar days from the date it was delivered. Thereafter, we will NOT accept the item back for return and you will need to file a claim with the respective carrier. We do not accept damaged equipment for return, refund or exchange. Return equipment, lost in transit, is the customer’s responsibility. We assume no responsibility for return equipment lost in transit.
There are shipping restrictions on some products. Some products cannot be shipped to certain locations.